Conversation/Chat Review Opportunity - PILOT PROJECT

Conversation/Chat Review Opportunity - PILOT PROJECT

Chegg introduces an exciting and lucrative earning opportunity-The Conversation/Chat Review Opportunity.

What is Chat Review Opportunity? 

It is an Opportunity to review content conversations between students & Chegg and get paid for every valid Chat Review submission. Experts who review chats/conversations are termed ‘Chat Reviewers’. 


Who can become a chat reviewer?

For now, this one-time opportunity is shared with a limited set of experts only. However, after the opportunity is shared, only those who complete all steps of the training and pass the assessment become eligible for further selection. 


What are the steps to become eligible? 

  • Upon receiving the invitation email, carefully go through the Chat Review guidelines and SOPs to understand the reviewing procedure. 

  • Register and attend the power-packed training webinars to learn about chat reviews from our in-house experts. 

  • Once done with the training, pass the assessment by the specified deadline. 

Terms and Conditions 

  • This is an exclusive opportunity for selected experts who will receive the invitation via email. 

  • Receiving an invitation email doesn't guarantee a Chat Reviewer opportunity. Final shortlisting would be done based on further evaluation & available opportunities. 

  • The actual price per valid chat review will be communicated once & if you are shortlisted for chat review work. 

  • You can work simultaneously in multiple roles at a time, i.e., as a Chat Reviewer and as a Q&A author, based on the eligibility for the respective roles. 

  • This is a pilot program and can be modified/extended/withdrawn by Chegg at any time. 

  • You will be disqualified from this opportunity if your authoring rights get revoked. 


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):  


1) Can I join this program too? I'm interested! 


ANS - This opportunity is currently for selected experts. Stay tuned for updates on when it becomes available to you! 



2) How many attempts do I get to clear the assessment?  


ANS - You can attempt the assessment multiple times within the specified deadline; however, only the last attempt's score will be considered. 



3) I have passed my assessment/guideline test but have not received any further information regarding this program! 


ANS - Check all email folders, including spam, for the confirmation email with webinar timings and SOPs. If not received, await further communications. 



4) Will I be reviewing the conversations from my registered subject or from different subjects? 


ANS - You will review conversations within your primary/registered subject. 



5) Will I get the required training to be an Expert Chat Reviewer? 


ANS - Yes, Chegg will provide you with all the training support through Webinars and other modes. You shall receive the webinar registration link via email. 



6) Can I work as a Chat Reviewer and a Q&A Expert at the same time? 


ANS - Yes, experts can work in multiple roles concurrently, but poor performance in one role may lead to revocation in that role. 



7) What are Chat Review SOPs? Why are they required? 

ANS - Chat Review SOPs are your reference guide to submit correct review inputs for each response in a chat. It is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED to go through SOPs before submitting review inputs for each response. 


8) Will I get feedback on my chat reviews whether they are correct or not? 


ANS - Your chat reviews will be checked by our Quality team and the data for the number of valid reviews will be shared at the time of payment. A valid chat review is one where ALL responses of the chat have been reviewed correctly by the reviewer. 



9) Will my performance in the authoring role impact my chat review work and vice-versa? 


ANS - No, performance in one role does not impact the other. 



10) What are chat review SOPs? Why are they required? 


ANS – SOPs are your guide to submitting correct review inputs for each conversation. It is strongly recommended to go through and understand SOPs before submitting inputs for each solution. 

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