Chegg Drawing Tool: Create Professional-Looking Diagrams

Chegg Drawing Tool: Create Professional-Looking Diagrams

Learn all about Chegg's drawing tool:

Learn how to useChegg's drawing tool to draw and plot different diagrams and charts.

Check out all the videos below:

1. To use the Drawing tool

2. To draw a wedge friction diagram

3. To draw a shear force and Bending Moment diagram

4. To draw a flow chart

5. To draw nodes and Antinodes in a pipe closed at one end

6. To draw the spring Mass Damper System

7. To draw the Carnot cycle schematic diagram

8. To draw a kinetic diagram of a pulley

9. To draw a Flow net diagram

10. To draw a network diagram

11. To draw shear stress distribution in I section

12. To draw normal distribution curve with hatching

13. To draw a TS diagram with constant pressure lines