Query categorization

Learn to categorize your query correctly for faster resolution

Ever wondered how can you get the resolution of your query asap?

Categorize your query correctly and get quick help from your support team. Check out the below video:

Correct categorization=faster query resolution.

Once you land on the Support ticket page, you will see some required fields which you need to fill in before writing your query. This is how your screen will look like -


Once you click on the Query category, you will find a list of options in the drop-down menu.

Now let us learn, how you can choose the exact query category suitable for your concern.

Query Categories:                                                                                      

1.       Website Issues/Glitches: Any error or technical glitch you face while authoring questions should be reported under this category. For example- if continuously facing the “something went wrong error”, “we encountered an error”, unable to submit/skip a solution/question even after refreshing or deleting cookies and history, etc.                                                                   

2.       Others: Any query which does not cover the list of categories should be categorized in others. For example, experience certificate, suggesting feedback on Chegg Q&A, how to work full time with Chegg, etc.

3.       Authoring-related doubts: Queries for your concerns and questions related to solving solutions on the Chegg Q&A should be covered. For example – how to start authoring on Chegg Q&A? How many solutions can I solve in a day? How to upload an image in my solution? How can I solve more questions? Questions are difficult, can I skip more?

4.       Payment related: This category covers doubts/queries related to payment status (pending/returned), payment cycle, incorrect payment, and payment details.

5.       Subject Modification: For subject change/addition/removal, you should select this category. For example – Can I add one more subject to my account? Are there any criteria for addition/change in the subject?

6.       Bank/IFSC updates: If your bank account is closed/non-operational or your bank has been merged with another bank, kindly raise a ticket under this category to update your bank account details.

7.       Unsatisfactory COMIS review/ Quality review doubts: If you have doubts related to quality review or are not satisfied with a review, don’t worry we got your back, raise a ticket under this category. For example – if you are not satisfied with the COMIS review, you can request a re-review. How often will I get a quality review? My solution is marked as plagiarized, what to do?

8.       Account status/unable to log in: To check if your account has been revoked or any issue that you are facing while logging on to the Q&A to solve. For example – Is my account revoked as I am unable to solve? The login link says invalid username or password.

9.     Students rating & CF score: For queries/concerns related to student rating & CF score select this category. For example – Not getting any ratings from students, what is my overall CF score? What is a CF score? how can I improve it? How do we calculate our CF score?

10.   Expert profile update request/ unsubscribe from all Chegg communications: Under this category, you need to write your request for updating your profile details such as name update (spelling) request, contact number, etc. Also, if you wish to unsubscribe from any of our communication channels, you can raise a request under the same.

11.   Opt-out/ closure of Chegg account: If you do not wish to work with us anymore and decide to opt-out/close the account, select this category.