When and How to Skip a Question on Chegg?

Skip Related

How to skip-

Please go through the short tutorial on How to Skip Questions on the Q&A and under which category.

On Chegg Q&A authoring dashboard, you get ten minutes to read a question and if you are not sure about how to solve the question, you can skip it with a valid reason.

You can skip the question under three categories-
  1. I can solve, but the question is: If the question is difficult, lengthy, has multiple subparts or has multiple questions

  2. I cannot solve this question, because: If the question is blurred, or incomplete, external tools are required, not from the subject of your expertise or in case you do not know the solution.

  3. This question violates authoring guidelines: If the question belongs to an exam/test/quiz, copyright/external URL, requires lab work, is spam or contains points/marks/grades.

Note: After ten minutes, if you do not skip the question, question will automatically be skipped. 

I have skipped using the wrong reason!

You must always skip questions with the correct skip reason and into the correct category. Once a question is skipped, it cannot be retrieved again.

Don't worry for now, but we request you to be very careful.

Note: We don’t penalize any expert to skip questions , but as an expert , we expect you to solve as many questions as possible. We recommended you  note down the topics of the questions you skip and later try to learn more about them to expand your subject knowledge and hence , earnings.

Will my account get revoked if I skip more questions?

Skipping more questions with valid reason will not lead to revocation of your account or decrease in CF score. Although, it may limit your earnings as you will only be authoring questions from a limited pool of questions.

Auto Skip

Question on the Q&A dashboard gets skipped automatically because of the following reasons: 
Logging in from multiple browsers
Disruption of internet connection
Leaving computer/laptop screen inactive for more than 15 minutes.
Please make sure that you do not let the above three reasons occur and always clear your browser history, cache, and cookies for a better authoring experience. Once a question is skipped, it cannot be retrieved again.

Questions are difficult to solve, what should I do?

You can always skip a question and move on to the next one if you think the question is too difficult for you to solve or is out of the scope of your subject knowledge. To do this, click on Skip question and select “I cannot solve this question, because: with the sub-option, I don’t know the solution” in the pop-up window.

The quality of the solution is of utmost importance for students’ learning experience. Therefore, if you are in the middle of writing a solution that you are not too confident about, you can skip it by choosing the option, “I cannot solve this question, because:" with the sub-option, " I don’t know the solution " or " I can solve, but:" with the sub-option, "Is Difficult”. But do not submit an incorrect/incomplete solution, as that would affect your CF score.

 is the difference between "Skip" and "Exit button"?

On clicking on "Skip and Get Next question" button, you will be redirected to the next question and if you click on the "Exit" button you will be  redirected to the "Start Solving page". When you decide that you do not want to solve questions at that moment, always use the exit button.

Note: If you chose the exit button, the skip will be counted as you have already seen the question and chose to exit anyway.