Understanding Phase revocation Assessment flow

Understanding Phase revocation Assessment flow

To ensure that every expert maintains the highest quality standards, the Q&A account of expert is put under ’30 days Evaluation Period’ after the revocation. Please note that this is designed for a limited set of experts based on specific quality criteria.

If your account is revoked and you get the below page after login, then your account has been moved to Assessment Flow. You have been given the last chance to work with us.

Evaluation Process of Assessment flow:

Phase 1: The solutions will be assessed by our Automated Quality check system. To clear Phase 1, expert must solve 3 practice questions with CMS score >80 and Quality modal score >3.5.

Passing this Phase is mandatory to proceed to Phase 2.

Phase 2: If the expert clear Phase 1, Expert must solve 3 questions and achieve Qc score > 4 to move to Live Q&A. The solutions attempted in Phase 2 will be evaluated by the in-house experts.

Important points:

  1.  Experts will get only 1 attempt to pass both Phases.
  2. Completing the evaluation within the 30-day timeframe is crucial. Delays or continued low-quality submissions will result in account revocation.

            A.  I have cleared the first Phase of Phase revocation, but didn’t clear second one, Will I get another chance to get access of Live Q&A.

           No, Expert will get only one attempt to clear both the Phases. In case of failure in any of the Phases, the account will get permanently revoked.

      B. Will I get paid for the solutions submitted in the Assessment flow?

    The solutions submitted in Phase 1 and Phase 2 of Assessment flow will not be paid.

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