Chat Review Opportunity for selected subjects.

Chat Review Opportunity for selected subjects.

Chegg brings you a new & an amazing earning opportunity – Chat Reviewer Opportunity.

As a Chat Reviewer (CR), you will be reviewing the content conversations between students & Chegg as per the Chat Review Guidelines. 

Process of becoming a Chat Reviewer

This opportunity* is shared with limited experts only and is available for these subjects : Accounting, Biology, Computer science, Economics, Finance, Calculus, Operations management and Statistics & Probability.

*Eligibility for this opportunity is based on the quality of your performance on the Chegg Q&A platform.


Once you have received the opportunity* email from us, follow these steps to start your journey as a Chat Reviewer:


Steps to Review a Chat:


1. Log in to the Chegg Expert portal (, using your Q&A account login credentials.

2. Select the “Expert chat review tile” to access the Chat Review Platform.

3. Click on the “Start Review” button, to go to the “Training” window.

4. Click “Start Training” (for first-time access) to complete your training and start Reviewing the Chats.

In case of any queries/concerns, kindly raise a query ticket under ‘Chat Review Opportunity - For Selected Experts’ or refer to our self-help section   here

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

1.      Can I join this program too? I'm interested!

ANS - This opportunity is for selected experts. We will let you know once & if you are eligible via email.


2.     If I am unsure of reviewing a chat, can I skip it?

ANS - You can skip as many chats as you like. However, ensure that you select the correct reason for skipping. Choosing the wrong reason will be considered an abusive activity.


3.     Will I get the required training to be a Chat Reviewer?

ANS - Chegg will provide you with all the training support through Webinars and other modes. You shall receive the webinar registration link via email.


4.     Can I work as a Chat Reviewer and a Q&A Expert at the same time?

ANS - Yes, an expert can work simultaneously on multiple roles at a time i.e., as a Chat Reviewer and a Q&A expert, based on eligibility for the respective role. Your performance as a Chat Reviewer won't impact your authoring/ other role opportunities.


5.     If selected, how & where will I be reviewing Chats? [URL/login credentials]

ANS – Your login credentials will remain the same as your authoring credentials, and if you are selected for this role, the opportunity will be available on your dashboard.


6.     Why is there no chat to review in the queue?

ANS - You're not seeing any chat for review because all available chats have been locked by other experts. You can either try and refresh your page at different intervals or log in later.


7.     How will I know the count of valid chat reviews?

ANS - Your Chat Reviews will be checked by our in-house Quality Team, and these Quality Checks will be available on your dashboard under the 'My Reviews' tab. The number of total valid Chat Reviews will be shared at the time of payment.


8.     When will I be paid for my Chat Reviews?

ANS - Payment for valid Chat Reviews submitted in a month will be processed by the 25th of the following month, with the payment details.


9.     While reviewing a chat, I see that some messages have no content in them. How do I review those?

ANS - If any question/response is blank, meaning it contains no content, mark it as 'non-academic' and skip to the next message in the chat.